Happy Birthday
One day belated though. Hope you had a good one!
I still can't figure out where exactly you are right now!
My friend at work and I were talking about someone who soon will have her birthday. Her boyfriend will get her a snowboard wear. What my friend and I talked about were if that's pretty pricey for the birthday present and if you can ask your boyfriend to get you something expensive... I don't really know. Cuz I haven't asked someone to get me something expensive. (Of course sometime I've asked someone to get me something and paid them back.) I think it would be cute if you can ask your boyfriend to get you something you want. That something can't be too expensive though. Then, how much would be too expensive? That's all depends on people eh? I like to give small things to someone I like/care and I really love to get small things from someone special for sure. Now one package is coming. It probably be somewhere in pacific ocean now. (thanks again Aya!) And another will be on the way soon too! (thanks J!) Can't wait! And just think of the packages make me happy. I would be smiling to think about those Christmas cards I've gotten. So easy to make me smile. And yes, so easy to make me grumpy and bratty as well. At least one of you know that.
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