
Saturday, November 26, 2005

6 weeks?!

Last night my friend A who's in Philippine told me he's going back to TO for 6 weeks from this Sunday.
6 weeks?!
Well, he has family and friends there. I think he's Canadian as well anyways...
6 weeks... well, when I finish this contract I can go somewhere longer than that.
I'd love to go back to school though don't think I have enough money for that. (and not enough motivation to borrow money to do it either) Lately I've been thinking about what to do after I finish the contract a lot. I probably... well, most likely go back to Canada... but since my French went back to nothing... I think I'm pretty good at learning new languages. IF I keep learning, it I would be okay. Though French, I've stopped studying few times for other things to study. I've just had a big break too. I stopped studying French since... Aug? Yeah, end of Aug. 3 months later, I don't remember a thing.
I decided to go back to the lesson next month though. Thanks to my teacher K. She's very patient with me and always willing to teach.
oh well, what I was gonna say here??? oh yeah, well, since my French went back to nothing, sometime I think that "is that a smart move to go to French school?" I can just take some courses insted. Courses which I have no idea what. Not just yet.
I still have at least 6 months to think about what I would do. So I take my time.


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