
Friday, February 24, 2006


Watching curling...

I got my medical check results back. What the heck is "LOW cholesterol"?
Low cholesterol is good, no??? It says my cholesterol is too low.
I have to check about the cholesterol online tonight... gee I feel OLD.

Monday, February 20, 2006

More Vacation

Thinking to have another vacation sometime... pretty soon like in April.

I just got a package from my lovely friend Andrea.

Kalendar is our usual lunch place.
I will wear the mittens to work!
Thank you very very much Andrea! And we can go back to Kalendar pretty soon!

This is what I got at the valentines day.
Well, actually I got it day after the valentine's day. It was in my desk. (it was my day off on 14th)
From my friend. Thanks Akko!
I also got an e-card from my friend Adam. Thanks Adam, you are such a sweetie.

All those happened after I posted something on 14th. After that I was on my vacation. So now I'm posting those.
And now I noticed that all those people has a name starts with A.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Back Home

I'm back home now.
Got back early this morning... dead tired... had to take a nap.

Malaysia was great. HOT and HUMID but great.
Sticky air strong sunshine.

And great food. Everything I ate was so good.
Thank you very very much to Kayoko, Mimu-san and Momo to take me to cool places.
Even though I don't like hot weather much, I did have so much fun there. I could be adopted myself to this new culture. (seems like I'm pretty good at it.)

Take out coffee, Malaysia style.

Oh and this,

Momo and me. I'm not very pale though look at the difference. If I stayed more than a week, I would be like Momo for sure. I can tan easily and nicely.

Highlight of this trip... they took me to see fireflys.
Thousand and thousand of them. Actually it was my first time to see the real firefly.
It was just so beautiful.
More pics at my other space.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Off to Malaysia tomorrow morning.
EARLY tomorrow morning... gotta get up at 4am...

Kinda decided to take a week off either in April or May. Off to... the usual place.

I wouldn't have any vacation later this year so I would just enjoy this one and another one.

Be back soon. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day.
Nobody was my Valentine this year though have a good one any of you who has your Valentine.

I suppose to be packing now though just don't feel like it. And it's just for few days. I don't need to bring much anyways.
I'm leaving on Thursday to Malaysia. I will be back next week.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


It's already Thursday. Next Thursday I will leave for Malaysia.
Haven't really done anything yet...

I went to a checkup at a hospital today. Basic exams (interview, blood test, electrocardiogram, hearing + eyesight tests etc) and uterine cancer + breast cancer exams. I don't know when I will get the results back though I already know that I'm breast cancer free. Being at the hospital isn't very exciting. Glad it was finished in couple of hours.

Got a haircut.

And got a travel companion.

She's bilingual. (English/French) and going to see her best friend Momo in Malaysia!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

About a Boy

Lazy Sunday...

I watched "About a Boy" on DVD today. I watched the movie second time and first time was in a theater. And while I was in the theater, I decided to leave my boyfriend at the time.
Exact at the moment, I was alone and he was seeing his ex. It's been 4 years now. I can't even remember the colour of his eyes anymore. Sounds very cold but I did a good thing that I left him then. Not that he's a bad person though, just can't think of me being with him still and happy.
So I learned that sometime it seems bad at the moment but later you would think it was good it actually happened.
Anyways, I like the movie. (and LOVE THE MUSIC) Despite the bad memory.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


I haven't posted much lately.
Yesterday was Setsubun. I should've posted something about it. I had some ideas and had some oppotinities to take funny pics though... got lazy.

It suddenly got pretty cold here since last night. Had some snow during the day today.
I really need to get a haircut though tomorrow might be too cold to take my bike out.

12 more days till hot hot Malaysia.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Coffee! I need it...

You Are a Soy Latte

At your best, you are: free spirited, down to earth, and relaxed

At your worst, you are: dogmatic and picky

You drink coffee when: you need a pick me up, and green tea isn't cutting it

Your caffeine addiction level: medium