Off to...
Osaka tomorrow morning. Will be back next week.
I've been watching episodes of Masters of Horror. So far I've done 8 episodes. (1 season 13 episodes) Since it's on cable, lots of blood and nudity.
My friend G bought a place in Collingwood, ON. The reason why he bought the place is... it's close to ski hills and the water. I just thought one thing, "Happy commuting buddy." Sounds like it's a great palce though. And I am happy for him. He's all happy and chatty today. There's another thing he's happy about. Well, he's crazy about a girl and seems like that girl is crazy about him too! Another congrats to G.
Last 5 days, I haven't touched my ac's remote. And I was thinking "hey this is nice..." but today, even though I didn't touch the remote, it was hot. I was outside for an hour or so. I've been careful all summer though not today... I didn't wear my hat. And here I am, tired and little sick.